I. Finance and Tax Services

  1. Financial Consultation: Provide enterprises with financial strategic planning, tax planning, cost control, and other consulting services.
  2. Tax Agency: Assist enterprises in handling tax registration, tax declaration, invoice management, tax preference application, and other matters.
  3. Financial Audit: Provide enterprises with financial statement audit, internal control audit, economic responsibility audit, and other services.
  4. Finance and Tax Training: Provide enterprises with finance and tax-related training and guidance to improve their financial and tax management level.

II. Intellectual Property Services

  1. Patent Agency: Provide enterprises with patent application, patent reexamination, patent invalidation declaration, and other services.
  2. Trademark Agency: Provide enterprises with trademark registration, trademark change, trademark renewal, and other services.
  3. Copyright Registration: Provide enterprises with copyright registration for works, computer software copyright registration, and other services.
  4. Intellectual Property Rights Protection: Provide enterprises with intellectual property infringement investigation, litigation, reconciliation, and other services.

III. Technology Project Services

  1. Project Application: Provide enterprises with various technology plans, special funds, qualification recognition, and other project application services.
  2. Project Management: Assist enterprises in project progress management, fund use management, outcome management, and other work.
  3. Project Acceptance: Provide enterprises with project acceptance material preparation, acceptance process coordination, acceptance result feedback, and other services.
  4. Policy Consultation: Provide enterprises with technology policy interpretation, policy trend analysis, policy utilization suggestions, and other services.

IV. Enterprise Consulting Services

  1. Enterprise Strategic Planning: Provide enterprises with market research, competitive analysis, development strategic planning, and other services.
  2. Enterprise Operation Management: Provide enterprises with organizational structure design, process optimization, human resources management, and other services.
  3. Corporate Culture Construction: Provide enterprises with cultural concept refinement, cultural dissemination, cultural activity planning, and other services.
  4. Enterprise Risk Management: Provide enterprises with risk assessment, risk control, risk response, and other services.

V. Other Value-Added Services

  1. Capital Docking: Help enterprises find suitable investment institutions and assist in completing financing matters.
  2. Market Promotion: Provide enterprises with market promotion strategies, event planning, media publicity, and other services.
  3. Talent Recruitment: Provide enterprises with talent recruitment, talent evaluation, talent training, and other services.
  4. Legal Advisor: Provide enterprises with legal consultation, contract review, legal dispute resolution, and other services.
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